The President of the course is prof. Alessandro Pratesi
The Teaching and Learning Committee is composed as follows:
The President of the course prof. Alessandro Pratesi, professors Marco Bontempi, Luigi Burroni, Daniele Vignoli, Silvia Rodeschini, Marco Bresciani e Mirko Alagna, and, currently, the following students: Filippo Manuali, Teresa Guarino, Riccardo Dalla Tomba, Clelia Livigni, Carlo Amoretti.
The contact persons for applications are: Alessandro Pratesi, Silvia Rodeschini, Mirko Alagna, Daniele Vignoli, and Angela Perulli
The contact persons for career guidance are: professors Giovanni Scotto and Andrea Lippi
The contact persons for international mobility are: Marco Bresciani, Stefano Costali
The contact persons for stages and training are: Ivana Acocella, Erika Cellini, Giovanni Scotto